Ensuring career education students help fill regional workforce shortages.

3fold worked with Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) to align their need for increased enrollment in Career Education programs with regional workforce shortages that these programs can help fill quickly and locally.
Boosting electric vehicle usage in under-served communities.

Electrify America (EA) aimed to drive electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Sacramento through its $44M investment, targeting general consumers and underserved communities. Even more challenging was introducing brand-new technology to most community members who needed more experience with EVs and often were reluctant to try electric transportation.
Connecting medical providers with change-driving trauma informed care.

The ACEs Aware Initiative, led by California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, seeks to reduce adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress in half in a single generation. Part of the work of this initiative is to train medical providers to screen their patients for ACEs so they can lead with trauma-informed care. The challenge, however, is enticing medical providers to take the training using social media.
Connecting rural residents with changing public transportation options.

Nevada County, a thriving set of communities nestled in the foothills of Northern California, centered between the Sacramento Region and Lake Tahoe had a fairly well-utilized but outdated public transportation system, looking to refresh its image and increase ridership, leaving behind its outdated Gold Country Stage name and branding.
Recruiting nurses to rural Southeast Alaska to improve health outcomes.

3fold considered the benefits working in a place like Southeast Alaska offered nurses – a slower pace of life, a fraction of the number of COVID cases, and lower patient volumes. 3fold leveraged these benefits, and a generous signing bonus, in the campaign messaging that ran in markets ranked as the worst places in the country to be employed as a nurse.
Connecting exploited women with community-based peers.

3fold partnered with The Community Against Sexual Harm (CASH) to make a meaningful impact on the lives of women in the Sacramento region, helping to combat the increase in prostitution activity and the ineffectiveness of arrests, recidivism, and imprisonment.
Creating a path to commercialization for California’s automotive mobility start-ups

The California Mobility Center (CMC)—a Sacramento-based, public-private business acceleration hub—came to 3fold in need of a brand identity to reflect the company’s mission and values, along with a compelling and effective messaging strategy.
Making mental health education for kids more inclusive.

In 2023, the US Surgeon General declared the United States was experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The Health Education Council (HEC) and partner, Sutter Health approached 3fold to create a tool that showcased the importance of their work around youth mental health in a new way.
Combatting green waste recycling confusion

Sacramento County residents were confused about what recyclables could be placed in the curbside recycling cart. To add to the confusion, the SacGreenTeam’s curbside customers will be required to put organic material into their green waste cart instead of their trash cart. We needed a way to combat “wishcyling.”
3fold’s Pride Is A Protest Poster Series

In 2022, state legislatures have advanced hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ bills across the country. As of mid-March, over 400 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been proposed in 2023. Our junior art director, Z, a trans non-binary designer wanted to create something for Pride month that made a statement while educating and reminding people about queer issues of the past and present.