Boosting enrollment marketing by supporting student needs outside of the classroom.

For the What’s Next campaign, 3fold highlighted key support services offered by the college, we were able to reinsure prospective students that they would have the support needed to be successful and pursue their ‘what’s next.’
Writing a community college district’s ‘love letter’ to the Hispanic community

The Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) wanted to celebrate the strong ties they have with the local Hispanic community. 3fold helped them reinforce these meaningful connections and recognize the contributions of the Hispanic community in the Sacramento region with Hispanic Heritage month as the backdrop.
Selling career education to new generations of students

Like many colleges across the nation right now, San Diego’s College of Continuing Education (SDCCE) wanted to attract a younger audience – people who were in high school or on the brink of graduation. 3fold worked with SDCCE to combat a misconception about its programs caused by historically targeting outreach to older students that prevented them from recruiting younger students.
Connecting rural Alaskans to essential health services

The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) historically provided services to Alaska Native residents. Seeing a need, they decided to open care to all southeastern residents in Juneau. 3fold helped SEARHC reposition as the go-to healthcare provider for all residents in Southeast Alaska, including those in rural, hard to reach areas.
Media Campaign Manager

Media Campaign Manager job opening.
Work for 3fold

We’re never ones to shy from opportunity, especially for adding great team members. If you’re in the market and 3fold seems like a fit, please submit your resume. We’ll give you a call and set up an informational chat.
Digital Media Specialist

Digital Media Specialist job opening.
Community Activator

Community Activator job opening.
Ad Operations Specialist

Account Executive job opening.
Account Executive

Account Executive job opening.