Our Voices at the Table internship program focuses on introducing community college students to the opportunities in the marketing and advertising industry. Created in partnership with the Los Rios Community College District, we offer paid internships that provide on-the-job experience and career preparation support.

Why V@TT exists:

the Community

Black, Hispanic, and Asian-Pacific Islander (API) Americans accounted for 11%, 18%, and 23%, respectively, of the total Sacramento County population*.

Ideas and Impact

In US marketing roles, 25% identified as an ethnicity other than white. Of this group, 9% identified as API, 8% as Hispanic/Latino, 6% as African-American/ Black, and 2% as “other.”


In US leadership positions, only 12% of ANA member Chief Marketing Officers identified as an ethnicity other than white. Of this group, 5% as API, 4% as Hispanic/Latino, and 3% identified as African-American/Black.

What to expect:

on-the-Job EXPERIENCE.

mentorship and Guidance.

Placement Assistance.


  • Pay is $15 per hour, 15-25 hours per week, flexible based on the student’s schedule.
  • The internships run during Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters.
  • The position is expected to be a combination of both in-person and remote work with specifics to be determined by the assigned role and task expectations.

For more information about the program or how to apply, visit your Los Rios Community College District campus Career Center.

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