Writing a community college district’s ‘love letter’ to the Hispanic community
The Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) wanted to celebrate the strong ties they have with the local Hispanic community. 3fold helped them reinforce these meaningful connections and recognize the contributions of the Hispanic community in the Sacramento region with Hispanic Heritage month as the backdrop.
Selling career education to new generations of students
Like many colleges across the nation right now, San Diego’s College of Continuing Education (SDCCE) wanted to attract a younger audience – people who were in high school or on the brink of graduation. 3fold worked with SDCCE to combat a misconception about its programs caused by historically targeting outreach to older students that prevented them from recruiting younger students.
Ensuring career education students help fill regional workforce shortages.
3fold worked with Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) to align their need for increased enrollment in Career Education programs with regional workforce shortages that these programs can help fill quickly and locally.
Connecting medical providers with change-driving trauma informed care.
The ACEs Aware Initiative, led by California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, seeks to reduce adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress in half in a single generation. Part of the work of this initiative is to train medical providers to screen their patients for ACEs so they can lead with trauma-informed care. The challenge, however, is enticing medical providers to take the training using social media.