Recruiting Career Education Students to Help Full Regional Workforce Shortages

With the Los Rios Community College District


The Los Rios Community College District (LRCCD) had an opportunity to align their need for increased enrollment in Career Education programs with regional workforce shortages that these programs can help fill quickly and locally.

Building up the frequency, reach and effectiveness of LRCCD’s Career Education marketing would require a focus on working adults who needed more skills to get promoted, who felt stuck in their current positions or industries, and were ready to move on from their job into a real career.


Our research into the motivations and barriers to access experienced by working adults in the LRCCD region showed a need to position Career Education programs as a game changer in their personal lives: it’s time to get a career, not just a new job.

These potential new students were seeking support and information online and from their social circles for how to get ahead despite challenges like making ends meet in part-time work, or balancing family responsibilities with the time, attention and cost it takes to develop new professional skills and certifications. Our to-the-point messaging emphasizing the ease, efficiency and flexibility in enrolling and succeeding in a Career Education program at LRCCD needed to meet them there, where they already were seeking direction.

New Visitor
Website Traffic

New Prospective Student Website Visits

Spring 2023
Enrollment Increase


Our digital campaign focused on reaching potential adult students via social media, as well as forums and job sites for employment opportunities. This was complemented by outreach to local churches, unemployment offices, doctors offices and other places working adults turned to for advice or access to professional development.

“Meet Future You” ran for 10 weeks in the summer of 2022 and an additional 12 weeks in the fall of that year, reaching over 94,000 potential new students, and driving 22,800 website sessions for LRCCD’s Career Education program webpages.

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